What Is Dental Microscope or Surgical Loupe

Dental Surgical Microscope
Dental Surgical Microscope
Dental Operating Microscope is a magnification device used in dentistry to magnify the operating field
inside your mouth.

Since the start of the dentistry there have been many kinds of dental innovations and inventions and purpose of all inventions have been only one- To improve the diagnosis, and predictability of the treatment and to make the treatment more efficient to perform.

In past many forms of magnifications have been used in dentistry. starting from first a simple prescription glass can be considered as a form of magnification. Later on lots of different kind of lenses where used for magnification in dentistry.

The dental Microscope is nothing but most complex and advanced form of magnification used in dentistry today.

What is Dental Microscope ?

There are basically two types of dental microscope

Surgical Microscope- involves high quality lenses with design and comfort to the operator this is said to bemost ergonomic microscope for modern day dentistry. It have a head piece mounted on a movable arm which can be angled and adjusted. Some surgical microscopes are connected with built in camera to take pics of operating field.

Dental Loupe- These are smaller and more portable version of dental microscopes, they have a frame
and glass on which magnifying loupes are connected. they can also be custom made with prescription eye glasses.Both kind of microscopes are fitted with appropriate kind of light source.
Dental surgical Loupe
Dentist Using Dental Loupe
Img:  blog.universalmedicalinc.com

Advantage of using Microscope

For a better view
Surgical microscope technology from Carl Zeis makes minute details and fine structures clearly visible, enabling you to visualize high-contrast and natural images.

Most important: better vision is the key to improving the quality of the examination and the treatment. The illumination puts light where it is needed. Even root canals are illuminated and imaged.

For better ergonomics

A surgical microscope can help you adopt a relaxed posture during treatment.

The comfortable, upright position prevents rapid fatigue and protects against a stiff neck and sore back over the long term.

Create more trust
A picture is worth a thousand words. Explain your examination, the treatment and the results to the patient to ensure a thorough understanding of the benefits of the procedure. Through your step by step explanation, you foster a higher level of trust between you and your patient. After all, seeing is believing.

For better integration
Surgical microscopes from Carl Zeiss fit seamlessly into virtually any practice workflow environment. The technology is completely integrated in the suspension arm for a well-balanced architecture and easy cleaning. Surgical microscopes can be combined with a large variety of dental treatment units from other manufacturers.

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